Complete Guide to On Page SEO

What is On-Page SEO?

On-page SEO is one of the most important aspects of your website. If you want to rank well in organic search results, you need to make sure that your site’s content is relevant and useful for people looking for information about a specific topic. This article discusses the basics of on-page SEO, including what it is, why it matters, and how to improve your ranking with on-page SEO techniques.

Why On-Page SEO is Important?

On-page SEO is a crucial aspect of your website. It has the power to make your website rank higher on search engines and thus increase traffic from search engines like Google, Yahoo!, and Bing. On-page SEO is defined as the optimization of your website for search engines by optimizing content, links, and metadata. On-page SEO helps improve your website’s visibility in search engines so that it ranks higher in SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages). When you optimize your site for on-page SEO, it means that you’re ensuring that the content on your page meets certain criteria so that it will be ranked higher in SERPs. The major reason why people choose to hire an expert SEO company is that they want to rank high in SERPs. They want people to see their websites when they are searching for something related to their business or service area. This is where on-page SEO comes into play.

On-Page SEO Checklist:

1. Keyword Research: Your keywords should be used throughout your site in relevant places. If you use too many keywords, it can cause confusion for visitors who are searching for specific terms.

2. High-Quality Page Content:

The importance of high-quality page content in on-page SEO cannot be overemphasized. There are many other factors that go into ranking a page, but the quality and relevance of your page contents are one of the most important ones. High-quality content helps you rank higher in SERPs, increases your chance of getting clicked on, and also boosts your conversion rate.

3. Title Tag: Add a descriptive title tag to every page of your site. Keep it short and descriptive, including keywords that people might search for related to your website.

4. Meta Description: Add a short description tag to each page of your site. This will help increase the click-through rate of your site, as well as provide more information about what the user is getting when they land on your site.

5. Heading Tags: Use H1 through H6 tags throughout your site. They are clearly visible on any mobile device and should be used for important brand terms, such as “Home” or “About Us”. The more unique words you use in these tags, the better.

6. Alt Tags: Add an ALT tag to every image on each page of your site if you have them available. These have been known to increase traffic by up to 500%! Use keywords in this tag if you can; however, do not overuse them or it will hurt the performance of images on mobile devices.

7. Internal Linking:

Make sure your website has strong internal linking between pages so that users can easily navigate through the content on your site without getting lost or frustrated with boring page layouts or poor navigation instructions like old-school dead links or broken images or broken alt text tags etc.

8. 301 Redirects:

301 redirects are one of the best ways to ensure that your site is performing as intended. A 301 redirect tells search engines that you’re taking them to a new URL, but it also passes all of the same information they need to return relevant results. The only difference is that a 301 redirect doesn’t use an anchor text snippet or keyword as part of its address.

9. Redirecting permanent pages

If you have a lot of content on your site — or if you plan to create more in the future — it can be helpful to set up 301 redirects for them. This will help keep visitors from seeing duplicate content, which increases traffic and engagement. Setting up a 301 redirect for every page on your site helps keep visitors from having to click multiple times just to reach the same destination every time. For example, if you have a blog post about how to use Gmail and then another post about using Gmail for business purposes, there might be several times where readers will have clicked through from the first page before reaching the second.

10. Structured Markup:

Structured markup is the most effective way to ensure that your content is search-engine friendly. It allows you to focus on what matters most, which is the information that your visitors are searching for. Structured markup is a set of standards and guidelines that tell search engines how to display your content. Structured markup can be applied at the following levels:

• Inline tag(s)

• Meta tags

• Page title tags

• URLs

Structured markup helps search engines to understand the meaning behind the written word, thus allowing them to better crawl and index your site.

11. Page URLs:

A page URL is the unique identifier of a web page. It’s used to identify your site and its pages on the Internet. A page URL tells search engines where to find the relevant information when someone types in a query. It’s very important for your site’s ranking on Google, Yahoo! and other search engines. If you don’t have a good page URL, people will simply ignore your site when they search for something related to what they’re looking for. Page URLs are also vital for SEO (search engine optimization). They help search engines understand which pages on your site are most relevant and should be listed first in their results pages. This is why it’s so important to choose the right domain names for each page of your website — this will determine which page URLs can be used as part of their URL structure.

12. Mobile Responsiveness:

Mobile responsiveness is a vital part of on-page SEO. When you have a site that’s mobile-friendly, you can rank well in search engines. Mobile responsive design is important because it allows your website to be viewed as a single page or a series of pages on smartphones and tablets. This means that if someone clicks on your link, they’ll see the same content as someone who clicks on it from their desktop browser. The best way to make sure your site is mobile-responsive is to test it out on multiple devices with different screen widths and pixel densities (how many pixels per square inch). This will tell you if your site looks good on different devices and how well it performs across all devices.

13. Google Search Console:

The Google Search Console is a tool for diagnosing and fixing issues with your website’s search performance. It is also an on-page SEO tool and can help you understand what keywords are ranking on your site and how they rank.

14. Google Analytics:

Google Analytics is one of the most popular web analytics tools available on the market. It’s free, easy to use, and provides a wealth of data about your website in a clear and concise way. Google Analytics has become so popular that many SEOs use it for their own websites, even those who don’t already use Google Search Console (SEM). There are many reasons why you might want to add Google Analytics to your site:

• You’re looking for ways to track performance across all of your website’s pages.

• You want to know how visitors interact with your website from different devices and operating systems.

• You want to understand which areas of your site are getting more traffic than others.

• You want to see how visitors arrive at your site, what they do while they’re there and where they leave after they leave the site (the bounce rate).

15.  Bing Webmaster Tools:

Bing Webmaster Tools is a free tool that helps you monitor the performance of your pages and track changes. Bing Webmaster Tools uses Google’s Content Experiments to help you optimize your pages for mobile users. Bing Webmaster Tools also has a built-in feature for improving on-page SEO by using webmaster tools, which is one of the best ways to improve your on-page SEO. With Bing Webmaster Tools, you can see detailed information about how people are finding your site and what they’re looking for. You can also see which pages are getting the most traffic, so you can identify problems with those pages and make changes accordingly. The tool will show you which keywords are being searched across Bing, Yahoo!, and other search engines. This gives you a good idea of what people are searching for when they visit your site, so you’ll know where to focus your efforts. Using Bing Webmaster Tools in on-page SEO will help improve the visibility of your site throughout the web, as well as boost organic rankings if done right!

16. Yoast WordPress Plugin:

Yoast WordPress SEO plugin is one of the most popular plugins for WordPress. It is used by millions of bloggers, website owners, and webmasters to optimize their websites for search engines. The Yoast SEO plugin has many features which help in improving the rankings of your website on Google and other search engines. The following are some of its features:
1. It helps in analyzing the content quality of your website by checking for errors, spelling mistakes, etc.

2. It helps in analyzing the keywords that you have used in your posts/pages and provides suggestions to improve these keyword rankings.

3. It also gives suggestions on how to optimize pages for better rankings in SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages).

17.  LSI Keywords:

LSI Keywords are the most commonly used keywords that search engines use to determine what content you want them to rank for. LSI Keywords are also referred to as “keyword rich” or “long tail” keywords since they are longer than average and include more characters than single-word keywords. LSI Keywords are important because they help search engines (and users) understand what you’re trying to say about a particular topic or product. As an example, if you’re looking for information about a particular kind of cat food and you see an ad for “best cat food,” it’s possible the ad is using LSI keywords such as “best cat food” or “cat food.” If so, this keyword might be relevant to what you’re searching for and might help your search engine results page (SERP) rank higher than those who aren’t using LSI keywords.

18.  External Linking:

External linking is a great way to get links from other sites and increase your search engine optimization. External linking is a very effective technique for improving the quality of your site, but it can be tricky to implement correctly. The most important thing to remember when you’re external linking is that you need to make sure that the content on your page is relevant and that the target audience will find it useful. If you want people to come back to your site again and again, then using external links is one of the best ways of doing that.

19. Fix Broken Links:

Broken links can be an issue for any site, but they are especially damaging to on-page SEO. A broken link is any link that no longer works or leads to a 404 error. Broken links may indicate poor site architecture, poor content quality, or poor on-page optimization.

How can you fix broken links?

There are several ways to address broken links. One way is to simply remove them from your site and re-link everything properly. This is a good option if you have the time and resources available to do it right away. If this isn’t possible, then you need an outbound link indexing tool like Outbrain or Ahrefs Keyword Explorer that can crawl through your site and identify all the broken links for you automatically. This will help you fix them faster than manual inspection could ever do!

20. Secure Socket Layer:

SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer and it is a type of encryption that connects two computers (or servers). This connection is similar to a typical SSL connection that you might use when connecting to a website. The difference here is that the server requires an encryption key before it can provide information to you. Because of this, SSL has become very popular over time because it allows users to encrypt their data while they are on a secure website and also protects them from being hacked into. On-page SEO focuses on making sure your site is as secure as possible by using SSL encryption whenever possible. This means that you will be able to get a better ranking in search engines like Google or Bing because they will be able to see that your site has been properly encrypted with SSL certificates. This is especially important considering how many people use search engines these days, so it’s important to get your content in front of them as soon as possible!

21. Website Loading Speed:

Website speed is the time it takes for a website to load. It can affect your SEO rankings and is closely related to page loading speed. On-page SEO refers to how relevant your content is when you are on a web search engine like Google or Bing. If you have a slow website speed, people will leave before they get to your content. This means that they won’t see your pictures, videos, and other assets. They won’t be able to read what you have to say. You may think that the more visitors come to your site and read your content, the better off you are. But if those visitors leave before they see any value, then they aren’t really engaged with your brand or product – they just want something quick and easy. The faster you load, the better chance you have of getting more traffic from searches and from social media shares.

22. XML Sitemap:

An XML sitemap is one of the most important ranking factors for search engines. It is a set of links that helps Google, Bing, and other search engines to know about all the pages on your website. These are important because they help Google to crawl and index your website. The XML Sitemap is a hierarchical structure in which you can specify all the links from your site. You can add as many directories as you want, but they should be included in the root element of the Sitemap file. The XML sitemap can be created manually or automatically using tools like Screaming Frog SEO Spider or SEO Content Analyzer by Datalicious.

23. HTML Sitemap:

HTML Sitemap is an important part of on-page SEO. It helps search engines to crawl the pages and index them. HTML sitemap is created using a special syntax that can be added to any web page, linking it to the corresponding home page of the site. HTML Sitemap should be created using a valid XML (Extensible Markup Language) syntax that conforms to the standards defined by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). This allows search engines to properly index your site’s content and make it available for users who are looking for information about your site’s content. Sitemaps are created in order to allow search engines to crawl through your website and build up a complete picture of all its pages, including meta tags, alt-tags, and other descriptive information. A properly formatted sitemap will help search engines crawl through your entire website. Search engines use crawlers to collect data from websites they crawl through and index them into their databases using various techniques such as crawling, spidering, and adding pages to their database manually or automatically via robots or spiders.

24. Canonical Tag:

The Canonical Tag is used to indicate that a page should be considered as an authority for a particular piece of content. The canonical tag is used by large sites like Wikipedia, where each page can have multiple URLs. The canonical tag tells search engines which URL to use when linking to the page.

25. Robots.txt:

Robots.txt is a file that contains information about how search engines like Google should treat your website. The Robots.txt file tells the search engine robots what pages to crawl, or not crawl, and it helps prevent malicious spiders from crawling your site without permission. Robots.txt files can be added to individual pages of your site or to the root directory of the entire site. In some cases, you might want to add a robots.txt file on every page of your website so that you can tell web crawlers not to crawl certain pages on your site. If you have a website with multiple subdomains (for example, and, then you must create separate robots.txt files for each domain name (as well as any subdirectories).

Each robots.txt file must contain a single line that tells search engines which pages they should and shouldn’t crawl:

Disallow: /

26. Crawl Errors:

When search engine bots crawl your site, it checks for errors and spiders that are crawling the site. If you have any errors on your site, Googlebot will not crawl it. It is important to check for crawl errors regularly. The first thing you should do is run a search engine optimization audit of your site and make sure there are no errors as far as Googlebot is concerned. If there are any errors, you will have to correct them before you attempt to increase traffic.

27. Orphaned Site Pages:

Orphaned site pages are pages that are not linked to other pages on the site. This can be a problem for SEO because Google will penalize the site for these orphaned pages. So what can you do? The best way to deal with them is to remove them, or at least reduce their visibility.


On-page SEO is all about optimizing your website for search engines so that when people type in a search for what you do, they find your site and read it. On-page SEO is really just the basics of good web design, but with a focus on making sure your content gets found and read by the right people. It’s not about getting more traffic; it’s about making sure that the right people see your site.

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